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The International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate ISIAQ, Indoor Air 2011 (Austin, TX, Jun

Writer's picture: Corey ProvencalCorey Provencal

Indoor Air 2011 will be a unique technical program that focuses on major challenges facing the indoor air community. Indoor Air 2011 will highlight future challenges that will reach beyond the traditional scope of indoor research. Examples: indoor air quality and climate change, the long-term implications of green building design on indoor air quality, indoor air chemistry and health, connections between local and regional outdoor air quality and the indoor environment, and emerging contaminants.

Important Dates:

Abstract submission:  August 1 – October 8, 2010

Paper submission deadline:  January 15, 2011

Final paper submission deadline:  March 1, 2011

Registration open:  December, 2010

ISIAQ is an international, independent, multidisciplinary,scientific, non-profit organization whose purpose is to support thecreation of healthy, comfortable and productive indoor environments. Westrongly believe this is achievable by advancing the science andtechnology of indoor air quality and climate as it relates to indoorenvironmental design, construction, operation and maintenance, airquality measurement and health sciences.

As a Society, our major role is to facilitate internationaland interdisciplinary communication and information exchange bypublishing and fostering publication on indoor air quality and climate.We organize, sponsor and support initiatives such as meetings,conferences, and seminars on indoor air quality and climate; and wedevelop, adapt and maintain guidelines for theimprovement of indoor air quality and climate. We also cooperatewith government and other agencies and societies with interests in theindoor environment and climate.

To find out more about us, please click here.

•John P. Lapotaire, CIEC •Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant •Microshield Environmental Services, LLC


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