In January, the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition approved its policy agenda for FY2011 to guide its policy work. The Policy Agenda focuses on three main areas: Developing National Healthy Housing Standards; Increasing Financing Options for Healthy Housing; and Integrating Energy Efficiency and Health.
In 2010, the Coalition made the case for effective healthy housing policy in meetings with Congressional and Obama Administration leaders and in comments on emerging health, environmental, and housing programs and regulations. The Coalition:
Advocated for Senator Jack Reed’s healthy homes legislation (S.1658 and H.R.3891) grants for community-level code enforcement (S.970 and H.R.2246) resulting in their introduction in the House and their inclusion in broader legislation for livable communities and green affordable housing.
Countered attacks on EPA’s Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP) with calls for improved capacity and implementation without delay.
Held its first annual meeting, bringing together a diverse group of practitioners and advocates to consider the next steps in advancing healthy housing.
Hosted briefings for US House and Senate staff in the Capitol that highlighted breakthroughs in federal policy and at the local community level.
Continued to convene working groups to focus on essential targets for policy action.
To review the full the FY11 Policy Agenda, please click here.
•John P. Lapotaire, CIEC •Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant •Microshield Environmental Services, LLC •
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