What can I do now to prepare myself for licensure?
Because Chapter 468, Part XVI, Florida Statutes providing for licensure and grandfathering did not go into effect until July 1, 2010, the department did not have authority to approve any courses or examinations prior to that date. We have approved the Council for Accredited Certification (ACAC) exams and are now accepting course applications. To access the applications, click this APPLY link (or use the APPLY button on the navigation menu above).
To avoid the time and expense involved with taking a potentially unapproved course, it is recommended that persons wishing to become licensed should wait for the department’s approval of course applications before taking any steps toward licensing.
•John P. Lapotaire, CIEC •Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant •Microshield Environmental Services, LLC •www.Microshield-ES.com
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