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M.A.R.C.’s fight to preserve the Current Mold Licensing Law moves to the Florida Senate.

Writer's picture: Corey ProvencalCorey Provencal

The Florida House approved HB 5005 that would end the licensure and regulation of 14 professions; luckily Mold Related Services were removed from that bill via the mold services amendment Bill HB5007.

The Florida House did approved HB5007 that would amend the current Mold Licensing requirements Mold Related Services.  Before the bill can become a law it still needs to make it through the Senate.  The house quickly moved the “Hot Potato” amendment bill through the House and left it in the hands of the Senate.

HB Bill 5007 amends the current Florida Mold Licensing Law by: 1. Eliminating the education language requiring advanced education and would only require an applicant to possesses a high school diploma or its equivalent. 2. Eliminating any documented training in water, mold, and respiratory protection and would only require an applicant to pass the current approved licensing examination. 3. Eliminating the requirement of an applicant passing a certification examination offered by a nationally recognized organization and adds the phrase “or state” 4. Eliminates the training in water, mold, and respiratory protection requirement in section 468.8419 Prohibitions: penalties.- 5. Reduces the applicants experience requirement of 3 years to 1 year. 6. Reduces the number of mold assessments or remediation invoices prepared by the applicant from 40 to 10.

These proposed amendments to the current licensing law would reduce the license to nothing more than a tax on the industry.

Dan Pollock, M.A.R.C.’s voice on the hill, feels the Florida Senate may be unwilling to pass similar bills.  The Palm Beach Post reported today that Sen. John Thrasher, R-St. Augustine, a former House Speaker, was hesitant to eliminate or reduce laws protecting Florida consumers. He was quoted as saying, “To me, even as a conservative Republican, I still think there is room for some regulation, particularly when it impacts on the public.”

You can learn more about the bill and read it here:

HELP support the Mold Industry by Supporting M.A.R.C. Mold Assessment & Remediation Coalition of Florida

Go to the M.A.R.C. website and give your support by Contributing to the fight to keep our current Licensing Law.

M.A.R.C. Mold Assessment & Remediation Coalition  of Florida

John P. Lapotaire, CIEC •  Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant •  Microshield Environmental Services, LLC


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