Use the redline to instantly identify updates in the 2013 revision of Standard 90.1.
This expanded document compares the 2013 edition to 2010, ensuring you know exactly what changes have been made from one edition to the next. It’s an indispensable reference for engineers and other professionals involved in the design of buildings and building systems. Select the redline upgrade in print or digital format to receive two documents; the clean, active version of the standard and the redline version.
About Standard 90.1-2013: Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings (ANSI approved; IES co-sponsored) provides the minimum requirements for energy-efficient design of most buildings. Learn more
About Redlines: A redline document is a quick, easy way to compare all the changes between the active standard and the previous version. Redlines allow users to instantly identify additions, deletions, and other formatting and content changes. Learn more
John P. Lapotaire, CIEC
Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant
Microshield Environmental Services, LLC
– See more at:
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