International Code Council Members along with non-member stakeholders volunteer to apply their technical expertise to further the association’s public safety mission working through more than 100 technical committees or councils. To continue to broaden participation, the ICC Board has revised Council Policy #09 to re-engineer its councils to establish new “chartered” Membership Councils along with a multi-disciplinary Codes and Standards Council. Calls for the Membership Councils’ Governing Committees, and the Codes and Standards Council will be issued on Thursday Feb. 3.
“These changes ensure that every discipline has more opportunities to be heard and to engage in codes and standards development,” said ICC CEO Richard P. Weiland. “At the same time, the changes promote a cross-discipline approach to advising and assessing the development process.”
ICC Re-engineers its Code Councils
International Code Council Members along with non-member stakeholders volunteer to apply their technical expertise to further the association’s public safety mission working through more than 100 technical committees or councils. To continue to broaden participation, the ICC Board has revised Council Policy #09 to re-engineer its councils to establish new “chartered” Membership Councils along with a multi-disciplinary Codes and Standards Council. Calls for the Membership Councils’ Governing Committees, and the Codes and Standards Council will be issued on Thursday Feb. 3.
“These changes ensure that every discipline has more opportunities to be heard and to engage in codes and standards development,” said ICC CEO Richard P. Weiland. “At the same time, the changes promote a cross-discipline approach to advising and assessing the development process.”
The ICC Board approved first charters for five initial Membership Councils:
Building Officials
Fire Service
Plumbing, Mechanical and Fuel Gas (PMG)
Sustainability (includes Energy Conservation)
ICC Global
Code Council Board President Jimmy Brothers indicated, “These reengineered Councils will sharpen and expand the participation of all disciplines within the built environment. Each Membership Council will help define its own focus as we solicit feedback regarding proposed modifications to the first charters. The interest and ownership of this process by our Councils is highly valued. We want to get the best possible structure in place as we move forward.”
As part of the ongoing development of these Councils, Brothers asked Code Council Board Vice President Bill Dupler to chair a Board committee charged with receiving feedback from existing councils regarding new charter language.
The primary focus of the Membership Councils will be to provide a single-discipline perspective on the entire portfolio of Code Council services and products, suggest actions to enhance the value of Code Council membership and increase participation in the code development process.
The Codes and Standards Council will consist of a multi-disciplinary group from four key disciplines—building officials, fire officials, PMG officials and sustainability experts—to advise the ICC Board on appointments to various committees, review the performance of code development committees, and propose new codes or standards projects.
A complete overview of the re-engineering initiative is available on the ICC website at www.iccsafe.org/CC.
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•John P. Lapotaire, CIEC •Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant •Microshield Environmental Services, LLC •www.Microshield-ES.com
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