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Florida’s Professionals – No Experience (or Education) Needed.

Writer's picture: Corey ProvencalCorey Provencal

Florida Republicans have introduced H.B.5005 & 5007 to reduce or in most cases totally ELIMINATE ALL LICENSING & REGULATION

The key to the logic behind these mysterious bills is to discover WHICH specific item has been hidden in plain sight WITHIN the GROUP being deregulated that SOMEBODY thinks is worth selling the entire state down the river for.

The OTHER professions included in these bills represent, and have been successfully employed as, a diversionary smokescreen.

HB 5005 Relating to Deregulation of Professions and Occupations (2011 Session)

Deregulation of Professions and Occupations: Deletes provisions establishing Florida Board of Auctioneers & Motor Vehicle Repair Advisory Council, deletes provisions for regulation of yacht & ship brokers, auctioneers, talent agencies, athlete agents, persons practicing hair braiding, hair wrapping, or body wrapping, interior designers, professional fundraising consultants & solicitors, water vending machines & operators, health studios, ballroom dance studios, commercial telephone sellers & salespersons, movers & moving brokers, certain outdoor theaters, certain business opportunities, motor vehicle repair shops, sellers of travel, contracts with sales representatives involving commissions, & television picture tubes; revises name & membership of Board of Architecture; revises license classifications of public lodging establishments. Effective Date: July 1, 2011

04/07/11 HOUSE Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 77 Yeas / 38 Nays); Immediately Certified; Requests that the Senate pass the bill as passed by the House or agree to conference

HB 5007 Relating to Reducing and Streamlining Regulations (2011 Session)

Reducing and Streamlining Regulations: Revises various provisions relating to professions & occupations regulated by DBPR or DOACS, including distribution of motor vehicle consumer’s rights pamphlet; transfer of certain driver license information by DHSMV to DBPR; requirements for home inspectors, mold assessors & remediators, asbestos consultants & contractors & landscape architects; professional practice standards for real estate brokers & sales associates; criminal penalties for persons who violate orders or rules of Florida Real Estate Commission or Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board or persons who violate Florida Cosmetology Act or rules of Board of Cosmetology; continuing education requirements for reactivating licenses to practice certain regulated professions & occupations; licensure requirements for CPAs & firms; education requirements for licensed real estate brokers & sales associates; certification of business organizations practicing architecture or interior design; method of payment of certain fees; terminology for repossessor schools & training facilities; penalties for food safety violations committed by cottage food operations; exemptions for cottage food operations from food permitting requirements; regulation of public lodging & food service establishments & fire protection system contractors; department responsibility for Motor Vehicle Warranty Enforcement Act; & regulation of real estate appraisers & appraisal management companies. Effective Date: July 1, 2011

04/07/11 HOUSE Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 80 Yeas / 38 Nays); Immediately Certified; Requests that the Senate pass the bill as passed by the House or agree to conferenc.

HB 5007 Relating to Reducing and Streamlining Regulations (2011 Session)

Reducing and Streamlining Regulations: Revises various provisions relating to professions & occupations regulated by DBPR or DOACS, including distribution of motor vehicle consumer’s rights pamphlet; transfer of certain driver license information by DHSMV to DBPR; requirements for home inspectors, mold assessors & remediators, asbestos consultants & contractors & landscape architects; professional practice standards for real estate brokers & sales associates; criminal penalties for persons who violate orders or rules of Florida Real Estate Commission or Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board or persons who violate Florida Cosmetology Act or rules of Board of Cosmetology; continuing education requirements for reactivating licenses to practice certain regulated professions & occupations; licensure requirements for CPAs & firms; education requirements for licensed real estate brokers & sales associates; certification of business organizations practicing architecture or interior design; method of payment of certain fees; terminology for repossessor schools & training facilities; penalties for food safety violations committed by cottage food operations; exemptions for cottage food operations from food permitting requirements; regulation of public lodging & food service establishments & fire protection system contractors; department responsibility for Motor Vehicle Warranty Enforcement Act; & regulation of real estate appraisers & appraisal management companies. Effective Date: July 1, 2011

04/07/11 HOUSE Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 80 Yeas / 38 Nays); Immediately Certified; Requests that the Senate pass the bill as passed by the House or agree to conference

When something doesn’t smell right (and this one truly stinks) there’s usually a reason.

And it often entails a LOT of money changing hands.


Representative Esteban L. Bovo, Jr. (R-FL) suddenly resigned in the middle of the lawmaking session to run for the Miami-Dade County Commission. Bovo’s unusual mid-session departure leaves the House a member short, though the GOP will still hold a comfortable two-thirds majority in the chamber. He represents a solidly Republican district.

A couple of his bills will be shepherded through the remaining weeks of the session by other Miami-Dade lawmakers.

Speaking of BOVO, HB 5005, the bill HE INTRODUCED to lower or ELIMINATE state regulations on more than 20 industries, has been shifted off to Rep. Dorothy Hukill, R-Port Orange, who chairs the House Economic Affairs Committee.

Bovo entered politics as an aide to two former state lawmakers and to former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez*. Bovo failed in his first bid for legislative office in 1992, eventually making it onto the Hialeah City Council, and he joined the House a decade later, in 2008.

*MIAMI, March 26, 1991— A jury in Federal District Court today found Mayor Raul Martinez of the Miami suburb of Hialeah guilty of racketeering and extortion in the sale of his votes and influence on zoning matters in return for about $1 million in cash or property from developers. Mayor Martinez, who has been suspended from office since the charges were brought against him last year, faces up to 120 years in prison and up to $1.5 million in fines.

Hialeah politics has a long, and admittedly rather colorful history of corruption.

His key achievement as a legislator, Bovo said, was bringing horse racing back to historic Hialeah Park.

Bovo used to work as the park’s marketing director and lobbyist. He now lobbies for Miami Children’s Hospital.

Bovo abruptly left his post as state House of Representatives legislator — in the middle of the law-making session — to run for the county commission seat vacated by former Commissioner Natacha Seijas, who was tossed out of office in the same recall election that also ousted county Mayor Carlos Alvarez.

This alone should raise some very large red flags as to his motives. People with political aspirations generally climb up, not down, as this man is doing.

The key to the logic behind these mysterious bills is to discover WHICH specific item has been hidden in plain sight WITHIN the GROUP being deregulated that SOMEBODY thinks is worth selling the entire state down the river for.

The OTHER professions included in these bills represent, and have been successfully employed as, a diversionary smokescreen.

BOVO’s VOTING RECORD in Florida House of Representatives:

Current Office: State House Current District: 110 Party: Republican

BiographicalVoting RecordIssue Positions (Political Courage Test)Interest Group RatingsCampaign Finances

Business and Consumers

2010 Representative Bovo supported the interests of the Associated Industries of Florida 92 percent in 2010.

2010 Representative Bovo supported the interests of the Associated Industries of Florida – Lifetime 91 percent during their legislative career up until 2010.

2010 Representative Bovo supported the interests of the Florida Chamber of Commerce 87 percent in 2010.

2009 Representative Bovo supported the interests of the Associated Builders and Contractors 100 percent in 2009.

2009 Representative Bovo supported the interests of the Associated Industries of Florida 90 percent in 2009.

2009 Representative Bovo supported the interests of the Associated Industries of Florida – Lifetime 90 percent during their legislative career up until 2009.

2009 Representative Bovo supported the interests of the Florida Chamber of Commerce 75 percent in 2009.


2009 Representative Bovo supported the interests of the Christian Coalition of Florida 78.6 percent in 2009.

Gun Issues

2010 In 2010 the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund gave Representative Bovo a grade of A.


2009 Representative Bovo supported the interests of the Florida AFL-CIO 0 percent in 2009.

Palm Beach Post 04/08/11 House passes bills eliminating, reducing state licensing requirements for professions:


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