The Florida Legislature has for consideration legislation – HB 5007 – which will significantly reduce the licensing requirements for future licensing and dilutes the licensed profession in Florida.
A majority of you obtained your Mold Services License thru the Grandfathering Provision which expired on March 1, 2011. As it now stands, if a person, after March 1, desires to be licensed as a mold assessor or remediatior, they must pass the required examination and one of the following:
1. For a mold remediator, at least a 2-year associate of arts degree, or the equivalent, with at least 30 semester hours in microbiology, engineering, architecture, industrial hygiene, occupational safety, or a related field of science from an accredited institution and a minimum of 1 year of documented field experience in a field related to mold remediation; or
2. A high school diploma or the equivalent with a minimum of 4 years of documented field experience in a field related to mold remediation.
1. For a mold assessor, at least a 2-year associate of arts degree, or the equivalent, with at least 30 semester hours in microbiology, engineering, architecture, industrial hygiene, occupational safety, or a related field of science from an accredited institution and a minimum of 1 year of documented field experience in conducting microbial sampling or investigations; or
2. A high school diploma or the equivalent with a minimum of 4 years of documented field experience in conducting microbial sampling or investigations.
However, House Bill 5007 the Reducing and Streamlining Regulations legislation, and as proposed by the Budget Conference Committee last week, it will change those above provisions to only require a high school diploma and pass a “required examine.” HB 5007 was only heard in the House and while there was never a companion measure filed or considered by the Senate, circumventing the legislative process.
Guard your future and that of the industry! Please email or call (only) your state Senator TODAY, ask them to VOTE NO on HB 5007.
As licensed professionals, we are proud of the current education, training, experience, rules of conduct, continuing education and background checks that give consumers confidence when choosing a licensed professional. This email has been sent in cooperation with the Florida Home Inspectors Council and the Indoor Environmental Air Quality Council.

• John P. Lapotaire, CIEC • Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant • Microshield Environmental Services, LLC •
#microshield #IESO #FloridaDBPR #Chapter468 #HB5007 #indoorairquality #SenateBill2234 #mold #IEQ32 #LEED #DepartmentofBusinessandProfessionalRegulation #moldpretreatment #MoldRelatedServicesLicensingProgram #SB1244 #PCBBCAS1101 #HB4171 #moldtesting #moldprevention #IndoorEnvironmentalStandardOrganization #healthyhome #USGBC #ResidentialMoldAssessment #HB5005 #FloridaStatutes #moldinspection #moldremoval #moldremediation #ASTM #johnlapotaire #newhomemold #PartXVI #JohnPLapotaire #HouseBill713 #ciec #airquality