Symptoms Of Florida Household Mold Exposure
Exposure to mold in central florida and orlando area homes has several symptoms. Mold can cause serious problems in many people.
Here are the More Common Symptoms:
Skin Rash – You can develop redness in your skin simply from inhaling the fumes from the mold.
Eye Irritation – Mold can cause both redness and watering of the eyes.
Headaches – Breathing in mold can cause headaches in some people. This is especially true of people who suffer with migraines.
Feeling Tired – Feeling tired for several days in a row
Sore Throat – Experiencing a raw feeling when swallowing or hoarseness when speaking
Shortness of Breath -Breathing in mold spores can cause respiratory difficulties in some people
Runny Noses – If you are constantly reaching for a tissue to catch your runny nose this can also be a strong symptom of mold exposure.

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• John P. Lapotaire, CIEC
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