FL Mold Related Services Summary John Lapotaire
A line by line helpful overview of the FL HB 713 as it makes its way through its final committee.
Mold Services Requirements
652 Mold Related Services
656 (2) The Legislature finds it necessary in the interest of
657 the public safety and welfare, to prevent damage to real and
658 personal property, to avert economic injury to the residents of
659 this state, and to regulate persons and companies that hold
660 themselves out to the public as qualified to perform mold
661related services.
672 Examinations
673 (1) A person desiring to be licensed as a mold assessor or
674 mold remediator must shall apply to the department after
675 satisfying the examination requirements of this part to take a
676 licensure examination.
682 (a)1. For a mold remediator, at least a 2-year associate
683 of arts degree, or the equivalent, with at least 30 semester
684 hours in microbiology, engineering, architecture, industrial
685 hygiene, occupational safety, or a related field of science from
686 an accredited institution and a minimum of 1 year of documented
687 field experience in a field related to mold remediation; or
688 2. A high school diploma or the equivalent with a minimum
689 of 4 years of documented field experience in a field related to
690 mold remediation.
691 (b)1. For a mold assessor, at least a 2-year associate of
692 arts degree, or the equivalent, with at least 30 semester hours
693 in microbiology, engineering, architecture, industrial hygiene,
694 occupational safety, or a related field of science from an
695 accredited institution and a minimum of 1 year of documented
696 field experience in conducting microbial sampling or
697 investigations; or
698 2. A high school diploma or the equivalent with a minimum
699 of 4 years of documented field experience in conducting
700 microbial sampling or investigations.
860 (1) A mold assessor shall maintain general liability and
861 errors and omissions for both preliminary and postremediation
862 mold assessment insurance coverage in an amount of at least $1
863 million
Grandfather Clause
866 468.8423 Grandfather clause.-
867 (1) A person who performs mold assessment or mold
868 remediation as defined in this part may qualify for licensure to
869 be licensed by the department as a mold assessor or mold
870 remediator if the person submits his or her application to the
871 department by March 1, 2011, whether postmarked or delivered by
872 that date, and if the person: meets the licensure requirements
873 of this part by July 1, 2010.
874 (a) Is certified as a mold assessor or mold remediator by
875 a state or national association that requires, for such
876 certification, successful completion of a proctored examination
877 on mold assessment or mold remediation, as applicable, and
878 completes at least 60 hours of education on mold assessment or
879 at least 30 hours of education on mold remediation, as
880 applicable; or
881 (b) At the time of application, has at least 3 years of
882 experience as a mold assessor or mold remediator. To establish
883 the 3 years of experience, an applicant must submit at least 40
884 mold assessments or remediation invoices prepared by the
885 applicant.
John P. Lapotaire, CIEC
Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant
Microshield Environmental Services, LLC