Microshield IAQ
February 2011 has been designated as National Care About Your Indoor Air Month. Poor IAQ has improved in North America over the past few decades but it is still a significant problem in homes, schools, offices, and medical facilities.
The EPA lists poor indoor air quality among the top 5 environmental risks in the U.S. Poor IAQ is often blamed for poor concentration in school children and can trigger asthma, which accounts for three million lost work days for adults and a staggering 10 million lost school days for children.
Asthma costs the U.S. Approximately $16 billion annually, with approximately 160 million Americans breathing in unhealthy air during the course of any given day.
•John P. Lapotaire, CIEC •Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant •Microshield Environmental Services, LLC •www.Microshield-ES.com
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