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Disaster Damage Is an Invitation to Fraud, Says FEMA in 2004……HB 5005???

Writer's picture: Corey ProvencalCorey Provencal

The proposed repeal of the current Florida Mold License Law with the introduction of HB 4171, HB 5005 and SB 1244 is an invitation for Fraud just as FEMA warned after the 2004 Hurricanes hit Florida.

FEMA knew back in 2004 that Floridians were being scammed in their time of need and published the following article.

Floridians who are rebuilding their hurricane-damaged homes and businesses need to be alert for contractors and repair services that engage in fraud and prey on vulnerable disaster victims.

The first rule of rebuilding is never to pay in cash or more than a reasonable down payment before the work is done. The second rule is to check the references of anyone you hire and compare prices in your area. A reliable repair service will have references and insurance to protect its workers, and will offer you a contract specifying that it pays for all materials used. These are things you should insist on.

Many illegitimate contractors drive long distances to reach a disaster area to seek customers who are overstressed and eager to have their homes restored. A number of scams are used, including offers to increase damage estimates and posing as representatives of the Small Business Administration (SBA) or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

All federal agency personnel carry photo identification, which you should ask to see. No federal agent will ask you to pay a fee for any service. If you have internet access you can check a contractor’s licensing status at


Don’t Repeal the Current Florida Mold Licensing Law!

The proposed repeal of the current Florida Mold License Law with the introduction of HB 4171, HB 5005 and SB 1244 is an invitation for Fraud just as FEMA warned after the 2004 Hurricanes hit Florida.

Floridians need Licensed Mold Professionals and Consumer Protection!

Say No to the Repeal of the Current Mold Licensing Law!

John P. Lapotaire, CIEC •  Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant •  Microshield Environmental Services, LLC


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