IAQ Solutions
HB 517 was approved by Governor Rick Scott on April 6, 2012 and reduces the continuing education required to activate an inactive license. You now only have to complete one renewal cycle of continuing education instead of completing continuing education for all the renewal cycles your license was in an inactive status. Applicants will need to provide proof of completing the continuing education requirements in effect at the last renewal date immediately prior to their application. Those requirements are included in Chapter 61-31.504, F.A.C.: 61-31.504 Continuing Education Requirements for Biennial Renewal (1) Prior to the expiration of each biennial licensure period, and as a condition for renewal of the mold assessor and/or mold remediator license, each person licensed pursuant to Chapter 468, Part XVI, Florida Statutes, shall complete a minimum of fourteen (14) hours of continuing education which shall include, at a minimum, all of the following subjects as they relate to the practice of mold assessment and/or mold remediation: (a) A minimum of six (6) hours of instruction regarding water (moisture intrusion), (b) A minimum of four (4) hours of instruction regarding mold and mold safety, to include respiratory protection, (c) A minimum of two (2) hours of instruction regarding report writing, (d) A minimum of two (2) hours of instruction regarding standards of practice. (2) Continuing education credits may be obtained for the completion of courses or seminars offered by education providers approved by the department. A list of such providers is available from the department at www.myfloridalicense.com/CESearch.asp?SID=&div=07 (a) A licensee, who is an instructor, may obtain continuing education credits in the amount of the credits allowed for that course or seminar for his/her first presentation of such course or seminar. (b) No licensee may claim credit until after the credit has been earned by that licensee. (3) Licensees need not comply with continuing education requirements prior to the licensee’s first full renewal cycle.
#microshield #IESO #FloridaDBPR #Chapter468 #HB5007 #indoorairquality #SenateBill2234 #FloridaMoldLaw #mold #IICRC #IEQ32 #LEED #freemoldinspection #DepartmentofBusinessandProfessionalRegulation #moldpretreatment #MoldRelatedServicesLicensingProgram #SB1244 #PCBBCAS1101 #HB4171 #moldtesting #moldprevention #IndoorEnvironmentalStandardOrganization #healthyhome #ResidentialMoldAssessment #HB5005 #FloridaStatutes #moldinspection #moldremoval #moldremediation #ASTM #johnlapotaire #USGB #newhomemold #PartXVI #JohnPLapotaire #HouseBill713 #ciec #airquality