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Chemical Free Mold Remediation

Writer's picture: Corey ProvencalCorey Provencal

Mold Remediation is the process of removing mold while protecting unaffected areas of a home or office from unnecessary cross contamination.  At no time is it necessary to KILL Mold.  Mold must be Removed regardless of its ability to germinate and grow into a colony.  The safest way to end the life cycle of mold is to simply eliminate the water source that is allowing the mold to grow.  Removing the water source is far safer that using Biocides and you will still need to remove the mold regardless of the molds viability.

Remember ALL Mold Remediation Should be Chemical Free Mold Remediation.

The Florida Department of Health

The goal should be to remove mold growth by cleaning or removing moldy materials. Dead mold can still pose health risks if you are exposed.

Ozone irritates lungs, and is not likely to be effective at addressing an indoor mold problem. No one should expose themselves or others to ozone on purpose. Address the cause of the mold (usually moisture) and then remove the mold by cleaning surfaces or removing moldy materials.

We know that we’ll never be able to eliminate all of the mold from within our home or office.  But we can prevent it from growing within our home or office by eliminating the moisture that supports its growth.  The sources of moisture that support mold growth include elevations of humidity above 60%, plumbing leaks, and building envelope failure such as roof and window leaks.

If mold is found to be growing in your home or office due to an elevation in humidity, leak, or an unfortunate water loss, you need to first identify the moisture source that is supporting the mold growth to correct and prevent continued mold growth. Then, collect and remove the mold and water damaged building material from the indoor environment.

Mold only needs a few things to grow and multiply:

  1. Nutrients (food – almost anything)

  2. A suitable place to grow (almost anywhere)

  3. Moisture

Eliminating any one will prevent the mold from growing.  What you’re left with is the mold that can become airborne and directly affect the occupants.  This mold must be collected and removed from your home or office.

We know that there is no shortage of “Quick Fix” Ozone or Chemical using mold remediators out there that will chemically fog your home or office and affordably “Kill” your mold, but guess what?  Your mold is still there.  Without the moisture you corrected the mold wouldn’t have regrown anyway.  Now you have the mold (allergen) covered in a chemical (poisonous both to the mold and humans) and is now a “poisonous allergen” waiting to become airborne and potentially impact the occupants.

There is no need to expose anyone to Ozone, Hydroxyls, Biocides, Disinfectants, Fungicides, Anti-microbials, and Encapsulants during Mold Remediation.

Our Mold Remediation Protocols are written to protect or clients from the dust up of mold during the removal and the unnecessary use of chemicals.  Our Protocols are designed to collect and remove the mold from your home or office without the use of chemicals.

Our goal is to protect our Clients from exposure to Ozone, Hydroxyls, Biocides, Disinfectants, Fungicides, Anti-microbials, and Encapsulants during Mold Remediation.  The unnecessary use of these products are Forbiden.

All of our Mold Remediation Protocols include the following statement:

Ozone, Hydroxyls, Biocides, Disinfectants, se Fungicides, Anti-microbials, and Encapsulants must not be used unless specified in this protocol.  If chemical use is specified in this protocol, the chemicals can only be applied in the specific areas identified in this protocol.

If chemical use is specified in this protocol the chemicals will be used for the purpose of Disinfection of the Category 3 water damaged areas and not for the purpose of Killing or Removing Mold.

If the remediation contractor would like to apply chemicals in any way not specified in this protocol, the Remediator must obtain written permission from the IAQ Solutions IEP.

IICRC S-520 Source removal of mold contamination should always be the primary means of remediation.  The Indiscriminant use of antimicrobial products, coatings, sealants, and cleaning chemicals is not recommended.

NYCDH New York City Department of Health “The use of gaseous, vapor-phase, or aerosolized biocides for remedial purposes is not recommended. The use of biocides in this manner can pose health concerns for people in occupied spaces of the building and for people returning to the treated space if used improperly.

AIHA American Industrial Hygiene Association The goal of remediation is removal of mold and the moisture source because:     a) biocides do not alter mycotoxins or allergens;     b) it is generally not possible to get 100 percent kill with biocides; and     c) because of (b), the newly deposited spores, re-growth will occur after the biocides if moisture returns

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration The use of a biocide, such as chlorine bleach, is not recommended as a routine practice during mold remediation, although there may be instances where professional judgment may indicate its use (for example, when immuno-compromised individuals are present). In most cases, it is not possible or desirable to sterilize an area, as a background level of mold spores comparable to the level in outside air will persist. However, the spores in the ambient air will not cause further problems if the moisture level in the building has been corrected. Biocides are toxic to animals and humans, as well as to mold.

U.S. EPA Environmental Protection Agency “The purpose of mold remediation is to remove the mold to prevent human exposure and damage to building materials and furnishings. It is necessary to clean up mold contamination, not just to kill the mold. Dead mold is still allergenic, and some dead molds are potentially toxic.  Whether dead or alive, mold is allergenic, and some molds may be toxic.

To learn more about Mr. Lapotaire or Indoor Air Quality Solutions & Microshield Environmental Services, LLC, please visit, email or call (407) 383-9459.

About Indoor Air Quality Solutions & Microshield Environmental Services, LLC

Since 2001, Florida residents have turned to the indoor environmental experts at Indoor Air Quality Solutions & Microshield Environmental Services, LLC.  The family owned and operated companies, based in the Orlando area, offer a comprehensive approach to identifying and correcting comfort and indoor air quality problems.  Their expert staff utilizes the latest technologies and industry recognized standards to identify and resolve indoor environmental issues.

John P. Lapotaire, CIEC

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