Florida Chooses ACAC Mold Remediator License Examinations
What is a Certified Microbial Remediation Supervisor CMRS?
Who is responsible for the IAQ in your rented home?
Is there really a “Free Mold Inspection?”
The Florida Mold Law Defines Mold Remediation
Effective July 1, 2010 Your Mold Inspector must have a State License and Insurance.
Beware the “FREE” Post-Remediation Clearance Testing
Is Your Mold Remediator also Your Mold Inspector?
Is Your Inspector Licensed by the State of Florida?
What is “Mold Remediation Protocol?”
Lack of Mold Remediation Protocol can Greatly Increase Your Mold Remediation Cost
EPA Clarifies that RRP Enforcement Delay Applies to Certification, Not to Safety Practices and Recor
What are the most common indoor allergies?
A Quick Look at Indoor Allergens
EPA Announces Delay of Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Rules Enforcement
Reducing Sources Of Indoor Pollution
How do Integrated Pest Management IPM programs work?
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Bad Air in ‘Green’ Buildings