Common Questions about Mold Allergies:
Top 3 Ways to Avoid Mold Allergies
Who is Allergic to Mold?
What makes mold grow?
How can I prevent mold growth?
Alliance for Healthy Housing working for affordable healthy housing for all.
Alliance for Healthy Housing
Alliance for Healthy Homes and National Center for Healthy Housing Announce Merger
How can I control the humidity in my home during the summer?
How can I determine the level of moisture in my home?
5 tips to improving your home’s indoor air quality
Don’t be overwhelmed by indoor air pollution—here’s 9 quick tips that can make a profoun
How can I prevent mold from growing in my home?
How to reduce household allergens
If my home has not had a flood or other serious water problem, does that mean it is unlikely to have
Are there risks associated with having mold in a home?
How do I know if my home has a mold problem?
Is it possible to have a home tested for mold?
Creating a Mold Resistant Home